People Don’t Buy What You Do, They Buy Why You Do It

I’ve been on this Simon Sinek bandwagon over the past 3-weeks ever since my friend, Lynn Pearce suggested I read his book Start With Why. I was sharing with her all the things I find wrong with internet marketing and Lynn strongly suggested I get Simon’s book.

I stumbled upon his TEDTalk in which Simon makes some powerful points about what motivates people to buy. I grabbed the talk from my friend Tina Forsyth’s blog and sharing it below (thanks Tina).

My only gripe (and this is what I posted in Google Plus) is that most all leadership books I read cite the same brands over and over. While I love what Zappos, Apple and Southwest are doing, they can’t be the only brands that are doing innovative things to shake up our views on leadership, innovation and marketing.

If I have to sit through another presentation where any of these brands are brought, I think I’ll pull 40% of the hair off my head (and I still won’t be bald).

Photo courtesy Start With Why