5 Proven Tips to Make Money from Your Creative Ideas

From time to time, I'll ask some of my friends to contribute articles to this blog. Here's one from my mentor and friend, Nancy Marmolejo. By nature, entrepreneurs are highly creative thinkers. Every aspect of a business- from filling a need, to solving a problem, to marketing, to selling, to serving customers - is an expression of creativity. But for every great idea that gets launched, millions more go the wayside because entrepreneurs simply don't know how to take action, how to decide … [Read more...]

What Pop Stars from the 1980s Can Teach Us About Distractions

Another pop star from my childhood has passed on. On February 11, 2012, Whitney Houston died at the tender young age of 48. As I reflect on her life, I asked myself if there's anything we can learn from her life. I recorded a short video with my thoughts as I not only reflect on Whitney's successes, but those of Madonna and Michael Jackson. Here's what you'll learn in this video: The similarities Whitney Houston shared with Michael Jackson (aside from passing away too young) What … [Read more...]

Is That You God? It’s Me, Listening (5 Ways to Know If God Is Calling You)

I shared my Jonah Experience about my own journey running away from God's calling on my life. One of the things that can be troubling is knowing when God is talking to you. Because His voice doesn't come through as a loud, thunderous sound, you may question what is God's voice and what are just you convincing yourself of a decision you really want to take. Through my almost 3-year Jonah Experience, I've come to understand how you can discern between God's voice and your own thoughts. 1 … [Read more...]

3 Ways to Know that You’re Not Pursuing Your Great Calling

In this series, I'm exploring what it means to have a Jonah Experience. We may know exactly what our Great Calling is, but due to fear we hide. To understand if you're ignoring your Great Calling, you have to recognize the signs that you're currently stuck. There are 3 telltale signs that you're not pursuing your Great Calling and need to make a change in your life. 1. You're bored. Sometimes we do what is comfortable, not because it challenges us, but because it's familiar. However, if … [Read more...]

3 Powerful Reasons Why We Hide

I shared my Jonah Experience about my own journey hiding from God. It can be difficult to understand how to hear God's voice without first understanding why we hide. Here are some powerful reasons why we run from God. 1. We sense our own inadequacy. When Jesus instructed the fisherman in Luke 5 to cast their nets despite not catching anything all day, the fishermen protested at first. But they dropped their nets in the water one more time and when they pulled up their nets, it was filled … [Read more...]

Why You Need to Come Out of Hiding (Share Your Jonah Experience)

Jonah was a prophet called to do something great, but instead of going in the direction God wanted him to, he went into hiding. I, too, went into hiding when God called me to move into my Great Calling. In this video, I share my own Jonah Experience and explain how painful this journey was for my soul and my destiny. Please share your Jonah Experience below so that others can be blessed by your story. … [Read more...]