Yet Another Way to Respond to Story Hijackers Using Michele Bachmann’s Example

Michele Bachmann, a candidate for the Republican nomination for the 2012 United States presidential election, was heckled at a recent speech in South Carolina. A group from the Occupy Charleston movement stood up during her speech and said the following:

“This will only take a minute. We have a message for Mrs. Bachmann. You capitalize on dividing Americans. Claiming people that disagree with you are unpatriotic socialists. And you promote discrimination. This does not help the American People.”

For her safety, Michele was escorted offstage. Once the Occupy Charleston group exited the room, Michele returned and what she said before she continued her speech was simply classy. In fact, the way she handled herself during the heckling was just perfect. When someone wants to hijack the story you’re trying to tell in a public forum, be like Michele.

Play the video below to watch MSNBC’s coverage of the event. Unfortunately, they too hijack Michele’s story by choosing to have the journalist sum up what Michele said at the end. Being a left leaning media outlet, I’m not surprised that they chose to let the hecklers tell their story and do a disservice to us by not playing Michele’s response in her own words.