3 Powerful Reasons Why We Hide

I shared my Jonah Experience about my own journey hiding from God. It can be difficult to understand how to hear God's voice without first understanding why we hide. Here are some powerful reasons why we run from God. 1. We sense our own inadequacy. When Jesus instructed the fisherman in Luke 5 to cast their nets despite not catching anything all day, the fishermen protested at first. But they dropped their nets in the water one more time and when they pulled up their nets, it was filled … [Read more...]

Why You Need to Come Out of Hiding (Share Your Jonah Experience)

Jonah was a prophet called to do something great, but instead of going in the direction God wanted him to, he went into hiding. I, too, went into hiding when God called me to move into my Great Calling. In this video, I share my own Jonah Experience and explain how painful this journey was for my soul and my destiny. Please share your Jonah Experience below so that others can be blessed by your story. … [Read more...]