How to Attract Customers & Create Success God’s Way [Day 18 of 30 of UNF]

This is Day 18 of Uncovering Naked Faith, a 30-Day blog series helping you add a more authentic, transparent and raw faith into your marketing and sales. Please read and share in the comment area your thoughts on this guest article. Click here to get on the list so you don’t miss out on future articles in the Naked Faith series. How to Attract Customers & Create Success God's Way By Kelly Thorne Gore || @empowercoaches As a Christian woman in business, I know how easy it can be to get … [Read more...]

Why Another Blueprint or Secret Doesn’t Matter & Why Naked Faith Does

Running a business can be tough. When someone says no to your joint venture request, you feel rejected. When someone unsubscribes from your list, you feel sad. When your product launch doesn’t meet your goals, you worry. When someone requests a refund, you feel angry. Some decide that running a business is just not for them. The frustrations and disappointments are just too much to handle. But you’re not like that. What you need is to replace your fears with faith. In fact, you need … [Read more...]

5 Reasons Why Distractions Are Dangerous for Faith Led Entrepreneurs

There are many things that turn our time and attention away from God. For faith-led entrepreneurs, this includes television, family, making sales, conducting product launches and even other entrepreneurs. While it's inevitable that distractions will pop up, if they're allowed to remain in our lives and businesses, it can lead to dangerous results. Here are 5 reasons why distractions are dangerous for faith led entrepreneurs: 1. Distractions put us in touch with wilderness … [Read more...]