The 4 Step Formula to Break Free of Idols in Your Business

In this series on entrepreneurial idols, I shared one of my own, then shared the 6 common idols that entrepreneurs face. If you've identified an idol in your business, here's my suggestion on how to break through it. I used this in my own life to help put God first. This is based on the 4 R's. Step #1 - Reveal Awareness is the first step and you need to uncover what idols you're currently worshipping. This blog post may have helped make you aware, but now it's time to ask yourself … [Read more...]

The 6 Most Common Idols Entrepreneurs Face

When I speak to people about the prospects of self-employment, they cite a desire to control their own future, get recognized for their own efforts and provide financial security as reasons why they want to start a business. Sadly, it's these very desires that can turn into idols. In his book Counterfeit Gods: The Empty Promises of Money, Sex, and Power, and the Only Hope that Matters, Timothy Keller gives a definition of what an idol is: "An idol is something that we look to for things … [Read more...]