My Great Big Birthday Book Giveaway

My birthday means a happy day for you. In the past, I’ve blogged about the various people that have been a blessing in my life.

This year, I’m doing something a little different. Instead of listing my 37 people who brought me joy over the past 12-months, I thought I’d show my gratitude by giving away a few books from my personal library.

Why am I giving these away? I may have a duplicate on my shelf OR I may have it in an ebook version (which I’m moving towards since I can carry more books on me) OR I have committed the concepts to memory and no longer need the physical copy around.

Before I tell you how you can get a copy, let me first show you what I’m giving away.

Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

A must for anyone wanting to improve their lives and their positive thinking. There have been more millionaires and indeed, billionaires, who have made their fortunes as a result of reading this success classic than any other book every printed. NAPOLEON HILLS’s “Think and Grow Rich” is the authors most famous work. This is the COMPLETE Reference Book. A true masterpiece with the fundamentals of the Success philosophy. (source:

And here are the other titles…

Purple Cow by Seth Godin

Calm by Denise Marek

Predictable Success by Les McKeown

Eats, Shoots & Leaves by Lynn Truss

The Wisdom of Crowds by James Surowiecki

Multiple Streams of Coaching Income by Andrea J. Lee

The Zen of Social Media Marketing by Shama Hyder Kabani

Business Stripped Bare by Richard Branson

Naked Conversations by Shel Israel & Robert Scoble

The Worst Case Business Scenario Business Survival Guide by David Borgenicht & Mark Joyner

Blue Ocean Strategy by W. Chan Kim & Renee Mauborgne

And I just found 7 more books hidden in a box behind my staircase that’s now being included in this giveaway:

The Corporate Blogging Book by Debbie Weil

Beyond Booked Solid by Michael Port

Escape from Cubicle Nation by Pamela Slim

Devil with a Briefcase by Jan Janzen

Conscious Entrepreneurs by Christine Kloser

Wikinomics by Don Tapscott

Everything is Miscellaneous by David Weinberger

Okay, now for the juicy part.

How to Be Considered: To get one of these books, tell me what success refresh means to you and how you plan to apply this to your business, your life or your relationships in 2011.

Post your response in the comment area below. You must enter your comments by January 19 30, 2011 in order to be considered for one of 12 19 books. I’ll choose the 12 19 based on the quality of your comment and how many others like your comment. Those who are selected will choose one book on a first come, first served basis. In other words, I won’t reserve your favorite title for you – you’ll just have to be quick with the fingers.

A Note About Shipping: I’m offering the 12 19 books from my library free, however, shipping isn’t. If you win, there’ll be a small shipping charge just to cover the cost to get the book to you. I promise that it won’t be much. Most likely $5 for North American addresses (Canada & US) and $10 for International.

Okay, post your response to the following in the comments area below:

What does success refresh mean to you and how you plan to apply this concept to your business, your life and/or your relationships in 2011?

Update #1: Forgive me, but I didn’t realize that the deadline I chose fell on a Sunday, a day I’m not normally online. So, I’ve moved the deadline to January 31, 2011.

Update #2: And the book giveaway is now closed to additional entries. I’m going to contact the winners one by one over the next few days and start shipping out these books.


  1. For me, success refresh means re-assessing my previous success strategy and looking at if it fits my beliefs today. If not, then I change it to include my views today. The measure of success changes and my strategies should also. Each experience should be a learning one.

    This year has been one of renewal for me. Some where along the way, I lost part of me. This year, I am finding her again and drawing from the strength that I once had. My business will grow beyond the walls of the box I put it in. This year, my success will be refreshed!

  2. Happy birthday Leesa!

    Success refresh means to me taking a fresh look at your life and your business and evaluating what works and what doesn’t. The new year is a perfect time to do it, too!

    In business, it means clearing out old and worn strategies, tactics, products or services that don’t work and building on the ones that do. It could even mean letting go of clients that drag you down and take more energy than you can give.

    I am going through the process of refreshing my target market and my focus. It means updating how I talk to my prospects in my emails and newsletter, redoing autoresponders and getting new topics for my articles and teleseminars.

    In your personal life it may mean getting rid of old pieces in your wardrobe that may not fit or don’t suit your style anymore. And if you have “friends” that don’t believe in you, you may have to refresh them too.

    This one is harder for me. I have a closet full of business suits that are 2 sizes too large, but I am still reluctant to get rid of them. Perhaps this is the catalyst for me to bite the bullet and let go. Number 1, since I work from home I hardly wear suits, and number 2, I am determined not to grow into them again:-)!

  3. Happy Birthday to my favorite internet guru expert. Five years of learning from one of the best has been great. Please pass any books onto new students.
    As a babyboomer I have read a lot of them already!

    Again best wishes and have a great year Leesa

    Peter Wood

  4. Success refresh is looking at your business practices and making sure they’re still working for you. Are you a slave to policies and procedures that are no longer relevant? Are you taking advantage of new technologies? Have you adapted your business to accommodate changes in your lifestyle? These are all important questions to ask yourself from time to time.

  5. Hi belated birthday Leesa,

    Funny — one of the books you listed above was recommended to me and on my list to read.

    A friend of mine came across your blog and flipped it to me as she knew we know each other. I tried contacting you over the holidays to catch up a bit more. Feel free to contact me — my email and /or cell number haven’t changed if you happen to have it — and I can certainly treat you to a post b-day coffee/tea.



    • If you left a message on the phone, I’d never get it. I sent you an email with my digits. Text or call me, k?

      • Dayo Kefentse says:

        Hi Leesa:
        I thought I would check in on this note but I checked and I do not have your email with your number. If you’d like to send it again feel free to and we can connect that way. Again, my cell number hasn’t changed…416-573-…so if you want to connect with me that way, you can feel free to text/call there and I can contact you from that point.
        Take care,

  6. As the author, I’m delighted to see ‘Predictable Success’ here as one of your giveaways, Leesa. Thanks for spreading the word. Happy Birthday!

    (Oh, and I’m not hogging one of your giveaway slots – just popping in to say ‘thanks’.)

    • Yeah! One of the authors has commented on my blog. Woohoo! I got your book by way of Sarah Robinson when I attended her workshop back in September (we’re friends and I was there to support her). I plowed through the book, committed your concepts to memory and now, I’m giving it away so someone else in my network can benefit from your amazing advice. Thanks for writing such an awesome book. Appreciate you.

  7. Nicole Willis says:

    Success refresh has been a beautiful introduction in a non-scary way for me diving into this business world! Your power and presence in person and online inspire me, make me think in ways I would never have considered and really show me how a woman can do it all with grace, dignity and awesome money making capabilities!

    So glad I got to meet you in Atlanta!

  8. Success refresh…great concept, Leesa. I keep finding success refresh every day when I get up and see an active world that I’m connected to via Twitter and Facebook. I’m re-inspired to write more, blog more, create more and share more thanks to great comments and feedback that comes to me on a daily basis from my ever-expanding community. The verbal support through that community is inspirational. I also get success refresh when a client gives me great feedback after I’ve served them well. It inspires me to serve the next client with all I’ve got as well. Success refresh is staying plugged into the world and taking advantage of all it offers – and knowing that it’s also important to unplug and give time to yourself as well..

  9. Success refresh means that I take time to analyze what is working and what is not. This can be business or personal life. What meant the world to me last year may not be what means the most to me now. Over the past year I’ve realized that money isn’t everything to me. I can have the most successful business, the most contacts and friends, but if I’m not in some kind of personal alignment it doesn’t matter. This year my success refresh is to focus on my family and personal well being. When I am refreshed, then I can be what I consider a success to be.

  10. Anonymous says:

    For me, success refresh has meant taking a good hard look at what I’ve been doing for the last several years online (I celebrate my 10th anniversary in February! 🙂 and redefining myself and my business offerings. I have been a virtual assistant and virtual business manager for the majority of those years, and I’m not finding the joy in working directly with most clients anymore.

    So, I’m redefining myself. I’ve been teaching for a long time, both virtually and at a local college, and know it to be my true calling. In September 2010, I opened the virtual doors to the VA Training Academy, where I teach others how to begin or grow successful VA businesses generally and in many specialty areas, and next month, will launch, targeted to online entrepreneurs in many disciplines.

    I’m also diving more into the speaking circuit, another passion and Lisa, we’ll have to catch up in April when I present on Leveraging for Success for the Canadian Women In Business Conference in Toronto!

  11. Success Refresh is looking was what works and what doesn’t to determine what it needed and how you need to go about getting it.

    For example I need to lose about another 100 lbs and so I had to look at what was not working in my life. I have tossed out all white stuff, candy (except dark chocolate and peppermints), and learned how to portion my foods and eating times too. I see that losing weight is more mental than anything else so each day I mentally prepare myself for the food journey ahead.

    It is the same with business too.

    Following this process so far has lost me 1 dress size about almost 30 inches. Pretty good I think!

    Make sense 🙂

  12. The Resource Diva says:

    For me “success refresh” means that I define what success means. I no longer accept other people’s definitions of success, but I create my own definition of success and measure myself against that. Instead of comparing myself to others, I will keep the competition internal – between me, myself and I.
    To be successful is to know that what I’m doing makes my heart sing and helps others along the way.
    I define success by being happy and joyful and sharing that happiness and joy with others. The more I give to myself, the more I have to give to others.

  13. Sue Henry says:

    To me Success Refresh means that you’ve achieved some success and have become complacent and you are looking for ways to bring in new energy, excitement, and passion so you can take it to the next level! Success Refresh is consistently finding new and exciting ways to do what we do.

  14. Success refresh is having the ability to reset your priorities as you travel along your life path. Success is a very mercurial term that needs constant revisit to ensure that your business and personal goals mesh with your current view of personal success. Success is a very individualistic concept.

  15. Mmmm ‘success refresh’ doesn’t evoke much curiosity for me, but if I was to give it some thought, it would probably be a ‘do-over’- having a clean slate to create the success I’m going for and doing it in a different way, or from a different perspective. Love the work you do Leesa – I’m curious to see what’s next! And happy belated birthday! 🙂