Is Love the Secret Ingredient in Marketing?

The old way of doing business is not working. I’ve shared this on video and I’ve seen many of my internet marketing colleagues rely on desperation to try and meet their sales goals.

My friend, Suzanne Falter-Barns, who had her own shift about a year ago, talked about How to Fill Your Event By Simply Using Love on her blog recently.

In her blog post, she says that you should invite your friends to your event instead of relying on manipulation and control. In fact, Suzanne says:

“Share from your heart what you love about the upcoming event, what excites you about doing the work, why you are doing it in the first place. You want to engage them in the conversation about it — as opposed to just thrusting the event at them and needing them to get in.”

Only recently, have I started to share my own pains, tragedies and messes in my marketing messages. Actually, I wouldn’t even call them marketing messages. They’re more my very-visible journal. I’ve chosen to let people into my

At church on Saturday, I was leading out in a Bible Study where I publicly shared some details about how I was treated in a recent relationship.

My mom was in the audience and she shared with me later that “The lesson was good, but you shouldn’t have shared those personal details.”

In her culture, Jamaicans are taught to NEVER share your pain with anyone. Keep it inside. Make it look like everything’s going well. Sharing your pain with anyone except God is showing weakness.

I hate that. Keeping things bottled up means you’re forever shackled to the experience or person who caused the pain. Speaking about your messes frees you from the experience, unshackles you from the person and puts you towards a path of healing.

Now, I’m not saying that your marketing message needs to be riddled with pain. Also, there are some people who share way too much information. You have to find a balance.

That balance can be found in love. If God is love and we strive to live a God-filled life, then should we not also treat our fellow man or woman with love? If yes, that means:

I’ve been asking my network to define what success refresh means to them. I invite you to do the same.

Because if love is redefining marketing, then you need to understand how you need to change to embrace this movement. Your business depends on it.